Are you bored with your regular nail polish and want to try something funky? Did you love mood rings as a kid? Do you like having a little bit of magic in your day to day life? If so, thermal, photochromatic, and magnetic nail polishes are a pocket-friendly way to explore the wild side of nail polish color.
What is thermal polish?
Thermal polish is a unique blend of heat reactive pigments. The pigment changes color when in contact with body temperature and the prevailing environmental conditions. That means, the polish will change colors based on a variety of factors that all coincide with temperature.
How does thermal polish work?
The constitutive ingredients will cause the color to change at different temperatures (whether hot or cold). The temperature will affect the overall shade and appearance of the nail polish. Some thermal polishes change in cold environments and some change in hot environments. During the summer a bottle of thermal polish will appear as its "hot" color and change when in a cold environment. For example, if you walk in to a cold room or use cold water to wash your hands. During the winter that same polish will appear in its "cold" color and change with heat. Thermal polish can change from a color to being colorless (like our polish Witch's Slate) and from one color to another color (like our polish Desperado Under The Stars). Tri-thermal nail polish switches between three colors: hot, room temperature, and cold (like our polish Ouzle).
What is photochromatic polish?
Photochromatic nail polish reacts when exposed to UV light. There are two colors that make up photochromatic polish; the base color and the reactive color. The color of the polish will change when exposed to UV rays from the sun, not with temperature (like thermal polish). When taken out of the sun, the polish will change back to its "base" color.
How does photochromatic polish work?
Photochromatic nail polish reacts to sunlight or UV light by darkening in color. The base color remains unchanged until or unless exposed to bright light that contains UV rays. The base color contains dyes that absorb specific wavelengths of light. When light energy/UV rays are absorbed by the dye, the reactive compound responds to the absorbed light energy by changing from one color state into another. After the color change, the nail polish will appear darker due to the absorption of light. The process is reversible; therefore, if enough time passes without UV rays or sunlight exposure, the photochromatic nail polish will return to its original shade. Similar to thermals, photochromatic polish can change from being colorless to a color (like our color Rhododendron) and from one color to another color (like our color Dracula Bites A Battery).
What is magnetic polish?
Magnetic polish is a type of polish that creates an affect when the polish is first applied and wet and comes in to contact with a strong magnet.
How does magnetic polish work?
The particles that give off the magnetism in magnetic nail polish are suspended in a solution. When exposed to a magnetic field, the iron-rich particles align themselves along the magnetic field lines. They then form strong enough bonds to hold objects in place. That means, when the polish dries on the finger the pattern created cannot be moved and will not react to an outside magnetic field.
The strength of the magnetism created by magnetic polish depends on how long it has been exposed to a magnetic field. Weaker fields, or those that have not had as much time to interact with the iron-rich particles, will generate weaker bonds and therefore produce less magnetism. However, stronger magnets and longer exposure times will result in stronger bonds and more magnetism. The strength of the magnetism increases with each layer of magnetic polish added.
For this reason, we supply each of our magnetic polishes with a strong neodymium magnet. You can create a variety of designs and shapes while the polish is wet using our magnet. An example of magnetic polish is our nail polish color Texas Twister.